
Going Global, Gradually (Harvard Gazette, November 24, 2015)

Increasing Labor Productivity Should Proceed “Make In India”  Krishna Palepu (Economic Times, October 25, 2015)

Harvard Launches New Global Initiative to Support Inter-Disciplinary Faculty Collaboration Around the World (India New England, October 16, 2015)

How Emerging Markets Can Finally Arrive (Strategy + Business, May 11, 2015)

Harvard in Beijing (Harvard Gazette, May 2015)

Krishna Palepu Appointed to International Academy of Management (October 2013)

Atractivos y fortalezas de conformar un grupo empresarial (Portofolio.Co, Janary 10, 2014)

Thinkers50 India (June, 2013)

Emerging Markets:  Look Before You Leap (IESE Insights, June 2013)

Emerging Markets:  What to Know Before You Go (IESE Insights, June 2013)

Adviser appointed to Harvard University President (ZeeNews, January 12, 2012)

Into India (Harvard Magazine, March 2012)

Interview with Professor Krishna Palepu (TV-Tokyo, March 27, 2012)

Harvard Pushing to Develop International Strategy ( January 15, 2012)

An Adviser for Global Strategy (Harvard Gazette, January 11, 2012)

Business School Professor Krishna Palepu Appointed President’s Senior Advisor on Global Strategy (The Crimson, January 12, 2012)

Palepu Assumes New Administrative Post at Harvard (Indolink, January)

Brevia (Harvard Magazine, January, 2012)

Krishna Palepu to Guide Harvard (Andhra Wishesh, January 12, 2012)

Harvard Magazine articles

Indian Appointed Advisor to Harvard University President (NDTV, January 12, 2012)

Asian Firms Tap Western Business Schools (New York Times, January 8, 2012)

5th Edition of Business Analysis and Valuation being released in 2012 (Cengage, January 2012)

Family Firms, the Bollygarch’s Magic Mix (The Economist, October 21, 2011)

Filling Institutional Voids in Emerging Markets (Forbes, September 20, 2011)

B-Schools Embrace China (Wall Street Journal, June 15, 2011)

Winning in Emerging Markets:  Spotting and Responding to Institutional Voids (World Financial Review, June 2011)

An Interview with Professor Krishna Palepu (BioTimes, June 2011)

BusinessWeek (July 2011)

What Drives Branding Decisions? (Hindu Business Line, May 4, 2011)

Harvard Focuses in Innovation (Economic Times, May 16, 2010)

The Rediff Business Interview ( February 2nd, 2000)

How to Define Emerging Markets (Forbes, May 27, 2010)

Fareed Zakaria’s Book of the Week (CNN  GPS, June 27, 2010)

Business: A Change in Gear (Financial Times, May 11, 2010)

Business Must Fill the Void in Emerging Markets (The Telegraph UK June, 26, 2010)

BRICS in the wall (Times of India, May 29, 2010)

Surviving “Institutional Voids” (The Hindu, May 8, 2010)

How Best to Ride the Tiger (Livemint, Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2010)

Remaking Indian Tobacco Company (Forbes, June 20, 2010)

Winning in Emerging Markets (CNBC Moneycontrol, June 12, 2010)

Deficiency of Institutions is of Emerging Markets (Economic Times, April, 2010)

哈佛商学院 课程助中国 CEO 在全球市 场获得成 功

Building an Emerging Market, BRIC by BRIC (Daily News & Analysis, July 12, 2010)

Strategies that Fit Emerging Markets (Business Week)

Harvard Focuses in Innovation (Economic Times, May 16, 2010)